Thursday, April 5, 2012

Off Season Post 32: DP Thinks Real Hard About Stuff

Hello, Readers.  Welcome back to the day before Good Friday.  It’s incredibly narrow of me to assume that all of you reading this are Christians; however, I’d imagine that the majority of you have some sort of plans for the big Easter weekend even if they revolve around the secular aspect of the holiday.  I sincerely hope the Easter Bunny brings you what you wish for this year.  For me, that’s a tax return now that I failed to procure one of the winning Mega Millions tickets last week.  My room for wallowing in denial is quickly narrowing as tax day approaches and I’ll be forced to dust off the W-2’s and other tax related documents that have been staring at me intently from my kitchen counter for the past three months. 

As I’ve told you in the past, I’ve been running and biking a lot more lately and I’m happy to report that the pain of every sports injury I ever suffered has receded to a manageable level.  In short, the running and biking is no longer an exercise in misery and I’m able to drift off into to dark vicissitudes that wrestle within my subconscious rather then concentrating on the aches and pains.  I’m thankful for that and I feel lucky each time I hit the trial. 

Because of my new found reflection time, Some Guy has been in an introspective mood this week and I’ve taken to jotting down some of the thoughts running around in my head.  Below is a list of the ones I felt were worth sharing.  It’s nice to dust off that Philosophy Minor I earned in undergrad.  My thought is not to share my own “wisdom;” rather, I’m hopeful that by reading these things below that you’ll take some time to put yourself in whatever creates your own reflective state and perhaps come up with a few of your own.  Share them in the comment section if you feel so inclined. 

“The unexamined life is not worth living,” said Socrates.  I believe he also said, “I drank what?”  Nothing like a little philosophy humor to kick off the post.  Here's a picture of me thinking.   

Let’s get to it. 


  1. It’s never too early for candy.

  1. True love actually does exist

  1. There are many different types of ponytails

  1. We all have the ability to permanently change another person’s life in an instant

  1. Family matters

  1. Bars with saddle stools and canned beer are worth going to

  1. Hugs feel really good all over

  1. It is not necessary to have a really large door knocker because a small one works

  1. Sometimes it’s ok to let someone park in your space

  1. It’s fun to be happy

  1. There are many things worth working and waiting for

  1. Complicated doesn’t mean impossible

  1. $12 water tastes just like free water

  1. Bad service at a restaurant can be just as fun as good service

  1. Sleep is optional if you love being with someone

  1. Silences do not have to be uncomfortable

  1. The world is nice and peaceful from 4am until dawn

  1. Sharks are pretty

  1. Aquaphor works on chapped lips

  1. Staring at the ocean will never make the waves stop

  1. You have to eat a lot to stay fat

  1. Flowers smell nice even if you’re a man

  1. It’s normal to feel really sad sometimes

  1. It’s not normal to feel really sad all the time

  1. Children are the same no matter where they are from

  1. Old blue jeans are the sexiest thing a woman can wear

  1. Driving a nice car can’t change the person driving it

  1. Simple is better

  1. Beer bottles are good listeners but do very little in the way of solving problems

  1. Money is very useful but the stuff you buy with it usually isn’t

  1. Inside every person is a frightened child hiding in the dark

  1. Chicago will likely always have at least one horrible sports team

  1. The louder an angry person yells the less likely he is to be heard

  1. An education is perhaps life’s greatest advantage

  1. Becoming a football coach can turn a man into an instant as*hole

  1. Infidelity in any context is always more complicated than it appears

  1. Being really nice to people makes people be nice back

  1. Skipping meals to save money for food is a bad idea

  1. The Texas Hill Country is a beautiful place to be

  1. No matter which way it’s sliced, Justin Bieber’s music really sucks

  1. Even people who deserve to be belittled don’t deserve to be belittled

  1. Some people are really mean
   43. There is nothing that is more pure and genuine than the laughter of children

  1. Naps are good but being lazy isn’t

  1. A woman’s attention to detail can be as refreshing as it is annoying

  1. Rob Lowe has been good looking since 1980 and will continue to remain that way

  1. Even Oprah is often full of sh*t

  1. It is far more valuable to know what you don’t know than to flaunt what you do

  1. You will never be able to patch all of the holes you punch in your life

  1. Complacency is a sponge

Well, there it is.  I hope some of these sparked some good thoughts.  Have a wonderful and Happy Easter!  In the mean time, if you need me I’ll be reflecting upon the duality of my character.  DP